Numero speciale

1st Edition of the Seminars of the PhD School in Public, International and European Union
law of “Università degli Studi di Milano”
15-17 October 2018, Palazzo Feltrinelli, piazza Vittorio Veneto, Gargnano sul Garda

Big data and Public Law: new challenges beyond data protection



October 16, 2018
Panel I – Big Data and Public Law: artificial intelligence, algorithmic decision and algorithmic transparency, Big data and Public Health, Big data and Taxation

I.1 DIEGO MAURI – “Algorithmic Target Construction” and the Challenges by International Human Rights Law

I.2 FIORELLA DAL MONTE – The use of big data as a risk for individual self-determination and the implementation of competition law in the digital market – A comparative approach between the European Union and the United States of America

I.3 SILVIA SUT – Taxation and Big data: an analysis of the proposal for a Council Directive on the common system of a digital services tax on revenues resulting from the provision of certain digital services (Proposal of the European Commission COM (2018)

I.4 SIMONE PITTO – Electoral freedom in the age of big data: an historical critique

Panel II – Big Data and State Jurisdiction (the un-territoriality of data): how centrality of territoriality is challenged by the present-day dynamics governing the search and seizure of digitized information

II.1 ENNIO PIOVESANI – The interface between the jurisdictional rules of Reg. (EU) No 2016/679 and those of Reg. (EU) No 1215/2012

II.2 KAYAHAN CANTEKIN – Comity upon request. What does the new U.S. CLOUD Act tell us about the future of data flow regulation?

II.3 LAURA BARTOLI – Digital evidence for the criminal trial: limitless cloud and state boundaries

II.4 LOREN JOLLY – Towards an alternative to territorial jurisdiction to face criminality committed through or facilitated by the use of blockchains

October 17, 2018
Panel III – Digitization of Public Administration and Big Data: tools, challenges and prospects of the transition to a digitalized public administration

III.1 GIULIA PINOTTI – Automated administrative procedure and right of access to source code

III.2 GIULIA SCHNEIDER – The Algorithmic Governance of Administrative Decision-Making: Towards an Integrated European Framework for Public Accountability

III.3 ISABELLA ALBERTI – Artificial Intelligence in the public sector: opportunities and challenges

III.4 CARMEN SILVIA LIMA DE ARRUDA Government discretion in digitizing public administration – the Brazilian perspective

This special issue is published with the contribution of the Università degli Studi di Milano within the initiatives of the Jean Monnet Center of Excellence, coordinated by Prof. Francesco Rossi Dal Pozzo, which is funded by the European Commission and dedicated to the “Digital Single Market and Cyber Security “. All the Centre of Excellence’s initiatives are also hosted on the centrojeanmonnet.eurojus.itwebsite.

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