Eurojus promotes debate and information on the process of European integration. All scholars and professionals can send in their own contributions, or indicate judgments and other relevant documents that are hard to find.

The submission of a manuscript presupposes compliance with the Review’s code of ethics and its editorial criteria.

Contributions published in Eurojus fall into four categories:
– reports (800 to 1500 words) which aim to provide quick and concise information on topical issues and which cover news within a period of two weeks prior to publication. The reports do not include footnotes but the author may insert hyperlinks;

– articles (over 6000 words), which aim to provide a broader analysis of EU law issues;
– conference papers;
– reviews.

All papers, to be sent in WORD format to, will be subject to blind referencing according to the principles described in the Code of Ethics. It is also requested to send an abstract and a short CV which, if the article is accepted for publication, will appear as a description of the author. To help the editorial team ensure maximum anonymity during the review process, we kindly ask you to remove the author’s name and affiliation information from any submitted file (for example, see here) and to separate the CV from the text of the article.