Is there truly a competence ‘competition’ in shared matters? Towards a reform of the EU competences system

Abstract The present contribution aims to demonstrate that the principle of subsidiarity, in certain areas, has never been used to guide the identification of the most appropriate level to undertake action, since the objectives set out in the Treaties left no doubt as to who was responsible for exercising the relevant competence. In other sectors, however, it has progressively validated a mech [...]

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Dalla “paura” all’“ambizione”. L’iniziativa per una Conferenza sul futuro dell’Unione europea

Relazione del Professor Bruno Nascimbene a margine del convegno-webinar “Chi ha (ancora) paura dell’Europa?” del 18 maggio 2020 (convegno conclusivo della cattedra Jean Monnet del prof. Massimo Condinanzi, “Qui a peur de l’Europe”; la relazione avrebbe dovuto tenersi il 2 marzo 2020, in apertura del ciclo di lezioni, poi sospeso a causa dell’emergenza sanitaria da Covid-19). Per [...]

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