Il ruolo della politica di coesione sociale, economica e territoriale dell’Unione europea nella risposta alla COVID-19

Il presente contributo intende analizzare il ruolo della politica di coesione dell’UE nella lotta all’emergenza pandemica, attraverso l’analisi delle iniziative poste in essere dalle istituzioni dell’Unione, da un lato miranti al pieno utilizzo dell’expertise e degli strumenti finanziari già esistenti in materia, flessibili ed adattabili alle nuove esigenze della crisi sanitaria pur nel [...]

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La solidarité n’est pas une valeur : la validation de la relocalisation temporaire des demandeurs d’asile par la Cour de justice (CJUE, 6 septembre 2017, Slovaquie et Hongrie c. Conseil, C-643/15 et C-647/15)*

La rentrée judiciaire de l’automne 2017 était attendue impatiemment et le prononcé de l’arrêt Slovaquie et Hongrie contre Conseil, le 6 septembre, s’inscrivait en première ligne de cette attente. Le contexte en est connu, celui du refus des pays du groupe de Visegrad de se plier au programme de relocalisation des réfugiés initié au plus fort de la crise migratoire par l’Union. Deux [...]

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The strange procedural fate of the actions for annulment of the EU relocation scheme*

1. Introduction In early December 2015, Slovakia and Hungary filed to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) two separate actions for annulment  (case C-643/15 and case C-647/15), challenging the legality of Decision No 1601/2015 (“the contested decision”) adopted on 22 September 2015 by the Council of the EU. This act followed a first decision (Decision No 2015/1523 of 14 September 2015, es [...]

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Temporary Protection Directive, dead letter or still option for the future? An overview on the reasons behind its lack of implementation

 1. Introduction In the remarks following the Social Summit on 15 October 2015, the President of the Council Mr. Tusk observed: «Libya is still volatile. And the situation in Syria is deteriorating. All this may lead to a new massive exodus of refugees. […] We must ask ourselves if the decisions we are going to take are sufficient to contain a new migratory wave». In the current context of [...]

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